March 2, 2020

Lexington Real Estate Agents Share What First Time Home Buyers Should Know

I personally love real estate, and I've mentioned in a prior blog my experience as a first-time home buyer. I have since bought several additional properties, and the process of finding a new home is a huge thrill - especially if you have a family involved. It is very easy to have "rose colored glasses" and overlook some key parts about buying a home. Nonetheless, I spoke with four local Real Estate Agents and asked for their best tips for first-time home buyers, based on their experience.

  • Sarah Hancock, RE/MAX Creative Realty: "First and foremost it is very important that Buyers are pre-qualified as the first step in the home buying process. You may qualify for a higher amount, [but] my question is "If you are sitting down at the kitchen table and writing a check for the monthly house payment, what is your comfort level. That is the best place to start". You do not want to be slave to the house payment. Second, always start the home search on the lower end, you may just find the perfect house. When you start looking at homes on the top of your price range, your expectations are set higher and anything less will disappoint." Facebook @SarahHancockRealtor

  • Sherry Wand, HERE Group: For most of us buying a home will be one of if not the biggest investments we will make. Yet it is such a common practice that many home buyers do not take the time to understand the basics. Doctors charge for office visits to talk about your health. Lawyers charge for their time. I don’t know a single Realtor®️ who charges to answer questions. Ask friends or family members for recommendations and call an agent for a consultation. Even if you don’t end up buying or even looking right away it is important to understand the process. Realtors know this is a big decision that deserves to be well thought out. If you ever feel pushed into a decision, look for someone with whom you feel more comfortable. Not understanding the process can add to the stress of buying a home. Ask questions, don’t be pushed and take your time." Facebook

  • Jake Wilson, Berkshire Hathaway de Movellan Properties: "There are a few things that first time home buyers need to be educated on before getting serious about buying their first home. The approval process to purchase a loan, the cost involved that come with a loan (closing cost), escrow checks, and inspections that are necessary once the first time home buyer has a home that is pending (home, radon, termite). Then I would educated a first time buyer about the time table it takes to close on a house. To close on a house it usually takes a month, give or take, for the loan to go through underwriting and for the title search to take place. That is just the case if you are purchasing a house with a loan. If you have the ability to pay for a house in cash it is a little different of a process. If a first time home buyer can get well educated on those things their realtor and/or loan officer should be able to walk them through any further questions they may have going through the process of buying a home." Facebook @JakeWilsondeMovellanProperties

  • Norm Biller, Biller Homes: "How long do you plan to live in the home? When you’re ready to move out, will you want to sell it and put that equity into your next home? Or will you want to keep it as a rental home so you’ll have a better retirement? Having an initial game-planning session with your Realtor to really fine-tune your goals and strategy will help you get better long-term and short-term results. These are just a few of the topics to explore, and it will save you time. And it will help you get more of what you want – now and in the future." Facebook @BillerHomes