If you think there are going to be some changes in the process of shopping and buying a new home during the coronavirus pandemic - you’re right!
But with Bay Equity Home Loans, different doesn’t equal difficult.
At Bay Equity, this “new normal” hasn’t changed our focus: We’re here to get you home – while providing each client the very best in customer service.
We are firmly in place at the forefront of home loan technology, and our highly innovative processes allow us to adapt quickly to the ever-changing marketplace.
The best way to get started is to contact your local Bay Equity branch so we can prepare you a pre-qualifying letter. Before you visit, we will guide you on the documentation you need to assemble, and how to upload it all easily from your home computer or smart device.
A pre-qualification not only lets sellers know you are serious about buying, but it gives you a ballpark figure of how much you can spend.
Next, find a real estate agent just as comfortable as we are doing business online.
With in-person home tours and open houses restricted, many agents provide virtual 3-D walkthroughs of homes and/or neighborhoods. Some host online group “open house” events where participants can ask direct questions about a property.
Once you’re homing in on making an offer, home inspections are still highly recommended, and home appraisals are mandatory. Most of this can be accomplished virtually, as well.
All along the way, our loan officers are behind the scenes making sure everything goes smoothly. You and your agent can monitor progress 24/7 through our BE Secure Loan Portal.
Once it’s time to close the loan, things are going to be a little different, too. Depending on your location, you may have to appear in person with the titling agent, but under strict social distancing guidelines. Some agencies are having buyers sign from different rooms, via teleconference or from their parked cars.
All these changes might seem a bit unusual at first, but let us assure you, with Bay Equity, the result is the same. You’ll be the proud owner of a new home, building wealth and a lifetime of memories for yourself and your family.
Bay Equity is there for you today and will continue to be there as your financial needs mature in the years to come.