Down Payment Assistance Program | Bay Equity Home Loans

Down Payment Assistance Programs

If you can’t do it alone, have a little help from your friends.

What is mortgage down payment assistance?

With so many expenses involved with buying your first home, down payments can be hard to come by. Luckily, there are a few very helpful down payment assistance programs for eligible homebuyers who need a financial nudge over the hill.

What are the benefits of down payment assistance?

We always recommend a down payment of anywhere between 5-20%. But that’s a lot of money. So it’s not uncommon for people to use down payment assistance programs for homebuyers because they can help you purchase a home, even if it’s slightly out of reach.

How do I qualify for a fixed-rate mortgage?

Down payment assistance grants vary from state to state, which means the requirements can also change. If you’re needing a little financial nudge in the right direction, talk to one of our loan officer. They can help you find the down payment assistance program you might need to buy the home you really want.

Loan Calculators

Use the calculator links below to help plan your home purchase or refinance.

Please note, the results are only estimates. Talk to your Loan Officer to get an official figure. We're here to get you home.

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