How to avoid shoveling snow this winter.
A second home in a warm climate where one can enjoy outdoor and cultural activities throughout the fall and winter months is an appealing option for many retirees.
The Boles Group at Bay Equity Home Loans has the knowledge, experience and flexible loan programs to make buying your vacation home a breeze, but financing isn’t all there is to it.
A weekend in your favorite secluded paradise is not the same as day-to-day living. Here are some things you’ll want to consider when shopping for your winter home.
Your daily life
Your social life
Your home life
There’s a lot to think about and many important questions simply can’t be answered with an online search. If you are planning to buy a vacation home in Arizona or any of the states in which the Boles Group lending team is licensed, call 480-279-0032 to talk to a loan officer first.
The Boles Group lending team will take care of your pre-qualification and introduce you to a local real estate agent who will help you find the best house for you in the best location for you and who will negotiate best price possible. If needed, the team can also connect you to a wide network of local businesses to help you with everything your vacation home might need.
The Boles Group at Bay Equity Home Loans is licensed in a variety of popular winter destinations including Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, New Mexico and Nevada. Visit for our full list of state licensures.