June 15, 2022

5 Tips for First Time Fathers

With Father's day on the way we thought it would be a good time to share some advice for the new and soon-to-be dads among us.

  1. Get involved from the very first day.

    Start your parent-child relationship on day 1 by talking with, interacting with and caring for your baby. Take part in bathing, diapering, dressing, comforting and playing as often as you can. Carry, cuddle and hold your baby whenever possible. Not only will your new baby connect and bond with you through touch, but physical touch has the added benefit of stimulating brain development.

  2. Take care of your partner AND yourself.

    Be mindful of stress levels, sleep habits and self-care routines for yourself and your significant other. Ask for help when you need it. If you are feeling stretched thin, friends and family can help by preparing a meal or assisting with chores and errands.

  3. Set boundaries with visitors.

    In the first few months, everyone you know will be clamoring to stop by and see the baby. It’s ok to decline or cancel a visit if you aren’t feeling up to it and you can set other boundaries as well. In the first several months you may want to require hands be washed prior to holding the baby. When the child gets to crawling stage, you might ask visitors to remove their shoes before coming in.

  4. Learn the baby’s routine.

    Adding a baby to the family will inevitably be disruptive, but adjusting your daily routines to coincide with the baby’s schedule, when possible, will go a long way in minimizing household tension.

  5. Take it all in.

    In the blink of an eye your precious newborn will become a rambunctious toddler followed quickly by the first day of kindergarten and before you know it, you’ll have a teenager on your hands. So, enjoy the quiet moments when you have them and embrace the chaotic ones too.

Whether you are a first-time dad or not, a new baby means it is time to think about your family's housing situation. The Boles Group at Bay Equity Home Loans can help you purchase your first home, finance a bigger home or use the equity in your current home to make needed additions like a nursery or extra bathroom.


Bay Equity Home Loans – Boles Group is licensed to originate home loans for purchase or refinance in 19 states (AZ, CA, CO, Fl, GA,HI, ID, MN, MT, NC, NM, NV, OK, OR, TN, TX, WA,WI, WY). Boles Group lending professionals have the knowledge and experience to create solutions where other lenders create problems. The team prides itself on responsive, accurate communication and is highly regarded by clients and business associates alike.